Caltech Security Bulletin - Thefts on Campus
Over the past week we have had an increase in thefts on campus.
- One wallet was stolen from an office in Powell-Booth Laboratory.
- Three wallets were stolen from two separate offices in Steele Laboratory.
The incidents appeared to have happened on Friday, January 24, 2025, between 8:30am and 1:30pm. Currently we have no suspect description, however Caltech Security is working with Pasadena Police Department's Criminal Investigation Division Financial Crimes Unit for assistance in identifying the thief or thieves and recommendations on reducing the occurrences on and around campus.
Caltech Security has increased both foot and vehicle patrols around our campus.
As a community we share the responsibility of securing property, doors, and reporting suspicious activity.
Theft is a crime of opportunity. If you do not take precautions to protect your property you increase the risk that it could be stolen. Theft is the most difficult crime for the Caltech Security to stop, but the easiest crime for you to prevent.
You should take the following precautions to safeguard your property:
- When you leave your room or office, even for a moment, always keep your doors and windows locked. Do not prop open or disengage the locking system on the door or windows.
- Never leave your purse, wallet, book bag, laptop, cell phone, earbuds, or other property unattended even for a moment in a public setting. If you must leave your property, leave it with someone you know, not a person studying or working in the area. Before you walk away from your property, remember: "Stop, think and secure."
- Never allow anyone you do not know to enter a locked building when you are entering or exiting. Do not let people "piggyback" or "tailgate" with you. If someone you don't recognize does enter an area not open to the public, call Caltech Security at 626-395-5000 immediately. Do not confront them or ignore them.
- Do not hang your pocketbook or bag over the back of your chair while you are in a dining establishment or other public place. Do not place your pocketbook or bag under the table out of sight.
- Keep an updated list of all personal property that have serial numbers, especially your personal electronics and bicycles. Please note the MAC addresses on any technology that has access to the internet. This information may help detectives with their investigation.
- Download the "Find my iPhone" app (works for Mac laptops as well) .
- Register your bicycle with Caltech Security's Bicycle Registration Form
- When locking your bicycle, use a steel "U" lock rather than a cable lock. Lock the frame and tire together to a stationary object. If the bike has an easily removable seat, we recommend you remove the seat and take it with you.
- If you are the victim of a theft, report it immediately to Caltech Security at 626-395-5000. We are available 24 hours a day. No crime is too small to report to us.
Please contact Security, at 626-395-5000 (x5000) to report any suspicious activity. Your safety is our primary concern. DO NOT attempt to contact or confront anyone you suspect is engaging in suspicious or criminal activity. Call us immediately.
What to Do If You Have Been the Victim of a Theft
In an effort to mitigate further risk to yourself, take the following steps:
- If you have any physical keys that were stolen, have the locks associated with those keys rekeyed or replaced. If the keys were for property other than your own, inform the owner of that property so that they can do the same.
- Call your financial institutions and cancel all applicable credit and debit cards. Request new cards with new numbers to ensure the protection of your accounts.
- If your wallet contained checks, call your banking institution to receive further instructions to protect your account.
- If your health insurance card was in your wallet, call your health insurance provider and request a new card.
- Consider all the accounts that may automatically deduct money from your accounts. Remember to update those accounts where appropriate.
- If you have any membership cards in your wallet, (e.g. gym, supermarket, etc.) notify the applicable companies and request replacement cards.
- Call the appropriate department or registry of motor vehicles and request a new license or identification card with a new number.
- Replace any applicable government issued cards such as your social security card, military identification card, or passport.
- Contact the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and Transunion) and ask them to put a fraud alert on your account. If you are not applying for a job or new credit, ask them to place a freeze. They will give you a personal identification number that will be needed to lift it. After 60 days, you should run a free credit report to verify your account. For more information, please visit
Remember, trust your instincts. If someone or something makes you feel uneasy, get out or get away and CALL SECURITY IMMEDIATELY. If you need emergency help, call x5000 on campus (626-395-5000 if you are off campus), or call 911.