Women Mentoring Women Applications Due 2019-2020
The purpose of Caltech's Women Mentoring Women (WMW) program is to provide support for Caltech undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc women as they negotiate their academic, professional, and personal development. *We use an inclusive definition of "women" that includes trans women, gender queer and non binary people.
Today is the LAST day to apply for 2019-2020: Application:https://caltechdiversity.wufoo.com/forms/z11fi47d17piaw2/
Save the dates for two events that are really fun:
Mixer Match, Thursday, October 24th 5:30-7:30 PM Dabney Gardens
Orientation, Wednesday, November 13th 5:30-7:30 PM Dabney Gardens
A little more about the program:
- For graduate students: The WMW graduate program matches postdoctoral scholars with upper-level graduate women and upper-level graduate women with first-year graduate women for a one-to-one mentoring experience.
- For undergraduate students: students will pair first- and second-year undergraduate women and upper-class undergraduate women for a one-to-one mentoring experience. In addition, undergraduates can request to have a Caltech staff member or a graduate student as a mentor.
- For postdocs: Join us either as mentors for graduate students who are looking for their next steps or join a Postdoc mentoring Pod. Email Erin-Kate @ [email protected] for more information!
- For Staff: Help facilitate mentoring "families" or pods. Each pod is composed of up to 6 undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs. The pod will meet monthly or bi-monthly for 60 minutes to connect and catch up. Pod Mentoring runs January 2020-June 2020
- The program offers academic and professional development workshops and discussions, as well as social and networking opportunities throughout the academic year. Matches receive coffee stipends and other resource materials.
For more information, please contact Erin-Kate Escobar by phone at 626-395-3221 or by email at [email protected].