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The Role of Leadership in the Journey to Gender Equity

Friday, March 24, 2017
11:30am to 1:00pm
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JPL, von Karman Auditorium

The JPL Office of the Director and the Office of the Chief Scientist present:

Ensuring Increased gender diversity and equity across our organizations requires a strong commitment from the top. This panel discussion explore the steps taken to date by JPL and Campus leadership to recruit, retain, and promote a diverse talent pool, summarizes the major accomplishments over the last decade, and highlights the next steps. A Q&A session will follow.

Moderator: Cinzia Zuffada - JPL Associate Chief Scientist

Panelist: Jan Chodas - JPL Director for the Office of Safety and Mission Success

Panelist: Melany Hunt - Caltech Campus Dotty Dick Hayman Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Panelist: Larry James - JPL Deputy Director


Campus Registration is appreciated by March 21st for this event; to register please go to

Women Mentoring Women and the Advisory Council for Women