Tanka Tour Performance (400 Year Old Tree) meet at the Red Door with Tanka Poets
Meeting begins at Noon with reading and discussion of short, lyrical poems. At 1:15 we will walk from the Red Door to the 400 Year old tree, near the reflecting pool at the back of Dabney. To participate in reading and discussing poems before the tour, come at NOON! Then join us for poems by the old tree. So far we've written poems on the 400 Year old tree, the turtle pond, Dabney Garden, the entrance to the "enchanted" Humanities Library, the lily pool, the silk floss trees, and the Red Door outside area. Join our friendly meeting at tables outside the Red Door Cafe Look for Kathabela's flowery hat to locate the group table. New poets and listeners welcome. Tour will leave the Red Door area at 1:15. It will be 20 minutes of poetry and music. Rick Wilson, mathematics, will accompany on flutes. Last week we performed the first stop on the Tour at Throop Memorial Garden (The Turtle Pond).