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Science of Benefits - Longevity Fitness and Thriving in Retirement

Wednesday, October 25, 2023
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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How a Longer Lifespan Affects Retirement Planning

Americans are living longer than ever, yet more than half of American adults don't know how long they can expect to live in retirement. This understanding of life expectancy, or longevity literacy, is a key component to retirement planning.

In this free noontime webinar, you will learn what recent data tells us about life expectancy in the United States, how longevity literacy impacts retirement planning and saving decisions, and how these decisions affect the outcomes retirees will eventually achieve. We will explore how this longer lifespan can impact your retirement financially, physically, mentally, and socially, giving you a new, more realistic framework for your retirement planning.

Instructor: Paul Yakoboski