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Quantum Matter Seminar

Thursday, December 15, 2022
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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West Bridge B157 (CMP Conference Room)
"Random-matrix theory of the measurement-induced phase transition in all-to-all interacting Floquet quantum circuits"
Aleksei Khindanov, University of California Santa Barbara,

"Measurement-induced phase transitions in random quantum circuits have attracted a lot of attention in recent years due to the novelty of the underlying physics and its numerical tractability in certain cases. In this talk, I will describe how the random matrix theory can be applied to analytically investigate the measurement-induced phase transition in all-to-all interacting Floquet quantum circuits. Using this approach, we [1] identified spectral signatures of the aforementioned transition in the non-unitary circuit evolution operator. The obtained results can be potentially helpful for the experimental observation of the measurement-induced transition in state-of-the-art NISQ devices.

[1] Aleksei Khindanov and Igor L. Aleiner, "Random-Matrix Theory of the Measurement-induced Phase Transition in All-To-All Interacting Floquet Quantum Circuits", in preparation

For more information, please contact Tracy Mikuriya by email at