LIGO Seminar
- Internal Event
Speaker: Youka Kaku
Title: Inverted oscillators for testing gravity-induced quantum entanglement
Abstract: Recently, various experiments have been proposed to test if Newtonian gravity can create quantum entanglement or not. However, the weakness of gravity and environmental decoherence hinders experimental realization.
In this talk, we explore the optimal setup for detecting gravity-induced entanglement between two masses in arbitrary quadratic potentials. As a result, we found that the inverted oscillator case generates the entanglement most quickly and is most resistant to decoherence from random force fluctuation. For experimental implementation, we propose the optical levitation of a mirror sandwiched between two fixed mirrors with an anti-spring effect. We also discuss that the gravitational effect exceeds the decoherence effect from laser shot noise in this setup, which indicates observable entanglement induced by gravity. This work is based on, and collaborated with Tomohiro Fujita, Akira Matsumura, and Yuta Michimura.