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Tuesday, April 4, 2017
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Annenberg 105
Customizable Computing — From Single-chip to Datacenters
Jason Cong, Chancellor's Professor, Computer Science, UCLA,

In our 2008 proposal to the NSF Expeditions in Computing program, we argued that future computing systems would be customizable with extensive use of accelerators, as custom-designed accelerators often provide 10-100X performance/energy efficiency over the general-purpose processors. Such an accelerator-rich architecture presents a fundamental departure from the classical von Neumann architecture, which emphasizes efficient sharing of the executions of different instructions on a common pipeline, providing an elegant solution when the computing resource is scarce.  In constrast, the accelerator-rich architecture features heterogeneity and customizaiton for energy efficiency, which is better suited for energy-constrained designs where the silicon resource is abundant.  Our research program on customizable computing turned out to be very timely and impactful --  with Intel's $17B acquistion of Altera completed in December 2015, customizable computing is going from advanced research projects into mainstream computing technologies.

In this talk, I shall first present an overview of our research on customizable computing, from single-chip, to server node, and to data centers, with extensive use of composable accelerators and field-programmable gate-arrays (FPGAs), and highlight our successes in several application domains, including medical imaging, machine learning, and computational genomics. Then, I present our ongoing work on enabling automation for customized computing. One effort is on automated compilation for combining source-code level transformation for high-level synthesis with efficient parameterized architecture template generations. Another direction is to develop efficient runtime support for scheduling and transparent resource management for integration of FPGAs for datacenter-scale acceleration with support to the existing programming interfaces, such as MapReduce, Hadoop, and Spark, for large-scale distributed computation.  I shall highlight the algorithmic and implementation challenges and our solutions to many of these compilation and runtime optimization problems.

For more information, please contact Diane Goodfellow by email at