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Introduction to Modern Jive Workshop

Monday, October 1, 2012
8:00pm to 9:00pm
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Winnett Lounge
The second class in Caltech Ballroom Dance Club's orientation Modern Jive series--attend any or all of them. Modern Jive, sometimes known as Ceroc, is a fun and easy-to-learn dance to contemporary pop music. As a special orientation event CBDC is hosting a series of classes for Caltech students leading up to our orientation party on October 6. Come pick up the basics or expand your repertoire of moves! Absolutely no previous experience or partner required. This is a great chance to meet and mingle with your fellow students!

FREE for Caltech students, Caltech affiliates, and their guests.

For more information, please contact Jennifer Walker by phone at 626-344-5973 or by email at [email protected] or visit