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Intermediate/Advanced Ballet Class

Sunday, February 10, 2013
11:00am to 12:30pm
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Previous dance experience is highly recommended for this 1.5-hour class. More advanced exercises are taught at the barre and longer combinations are given in the centre. Attention will be given to correcting placement and technique. Once a month, this class is replaced by our new Contemporary/Modern Ballet class. Drop-in attendance is welcome!

Find more information about class schedules and prices on our website or join our email list for weekly updates.

Single-class fee: $8.00 (discounts available with purchase of class card)

Instructors: Aileen Oyama Hui, Heather McCaig, Corey McCullough

For more information, please contact Artemis Ailianou or Aileen Oyama Hui by phone at 395-2711 or by email at [email protected] or visit our website.