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Intermediate Blues Dance Class

Monday, July 30, 2012
9:00pm to 10:00pm
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Winnett Lounge
The first class in the series (July 2) will be a refresher course on blues basics, intended as a review for those with prior blues experience, or as an intro to blues for those who are experienced in other partner dances. The following classes (July 9 - July 30) will be focused on developing technique and musicality for taking your blues dancing to the next level. The class will be followed by free open dancing at 10:00pm. Drop-ins are welcome.

When: 5 Mondays, 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM, starting July 2 to July 30

Instructors: Aaron Brown & Katie Belsky

Cost: $5 per class for Caltech students (with ID) $5 per class for other full-time students and Caltech/JPL affiliates (with ID) $10 per class for all others

For more information, please contact Jennifer Walker by phone at 626-344-5973 or by email at [email protected] or visit