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CMA presents "Next-Generation DNA Sequencing and the Future of Genomics"

Tuesday, April 4, 2017
4:40pm to 6:00pm
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JPL, von Karman Auditorium
Mark Wang, Ph.D., Vice President, Engineering, Illumina, Inc.,

The mapping of the first human genome in 2000 heralded the start of the 21st century and introduced the century of genomics. Today, the ability to sequence genomes in research labs is routine, and DNA sequencing is rapidly entering clinical use for a wide array of applications, including reproductive health, cancer treatment, infectious disease diagnostics, and rare inherited disease. Large-scale national studies of human genomes around the world are rapidly increasing our understanding of how our genetic code drives human biology.

Please join us as Mark Wang examines the science behind next-generation sequencing technology. He will look at the applications enabled by this technology, and show how researchers and clinicians are adopting genomics in their practice. Finally, he will discuss what to expect for the future of genomics.

Mark Wang leads engineering R&D at Illumina, Inc., a company dedicated to improving human health by providing DNA sequencing tools for both research and clinical use. Prior to joining Illumina, Mark contributed to new technology development at start-up companies in both optoelectronics and biotechnology. He earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of California, San Diego, and holds 20 U.S. patents.

This event is free. All members of the Campus and JPL communities and retirees are welcome. Caltech personnel and guests can access the auditorium via the external gate; no visitor badging or escort is needed. For more information, contact Randii Wessen at (818) 354-7580 or Or email

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For more information, please contact Randii Wessen by phone at (818) 354-7580 or by email at