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Charles R. dePrima Memorial Lecture in Mathematics

Tuesday, November 5, 2024
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Linde Hall 310
Using Math to Invent Solutions to Large-Scale Human Problems, Just in Time to Survive AI
Po-Shen Loh, Mathematical Science, Carnegie Mellon University,

The speaker will share his story of using his math background (which included studying math at Caltech) to devise new win-win solutions to two practical problems that affect our whole society: disease control and education. The mathematical areas of graph theory and game theory feature as inspirations in his work. During the COVID lockdown, he invented an app ( which addresses the incentive misalignment problem intrinsic in contact tracing: in the traditional approach, people are asked to isolate to protect others against infection, not to save themselves.

He has also been working for a decade at the intersection of education and technology. His latest creation there is a new, highly-scalable ecosystem for teaching secondary school students how to invent their own solutions to unfamiliar (math) problems, powered by a unique incentive alignment structure that involves professionally trained actors and comedians collaborating with math stars ( This comes just in time, as the rise of AI necessitates more advanced skills.

For more information, please email [email protected].