Center for Evolutionary Science Symposium - The Molecular Landscape
Li Zhao: 1:00-1:25 pm
Rockefeller University
"The origin and evolution of de novo genes"
Joe Thornton - 1:25-1:50 pm
University of Chicago
"Simple mechanisms for the evolution of molecular complexes"
David Booth - 1:50-2:15pm
"Cell type switching in the closest living relatives of animals"
Leslie Babonis - 2:15-2:40pm
Cornell University
"Genome editing, homeosis, and the evolution of novel cell types: a sea anemone's tale"
Woody Fischer- 3:00-3:25pm
"Evolution of carbon fixation during precambrian time"
Paul Turner - 3:25-3:50pm
Yale University
"Leveraging evolutionary trade-offs and phage selection pressure to reduce bacterial pathogenicity"
Pamela Bjorkman - 3:50-4:15
"An evolutionary arms race: viruses versus the immune system"
Informal reception and further discussion - 4:15-4:30pm
Meeting ID: 898 5129 6203
Passcode: CaltechCES