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Caltech Y Nuclear Winter Series Talk

Tuesday, February 28, 2017
5:00pm to 6:00pm
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Beckman Institute Auditorium
The New Trump Card: Domestic Nuclear Weapons Policy
David Wright, Co-Director and Senior Scientist, Global Security Program, Union of Concerned Scientists,

Donald Trump's statements on nuclear weapons have raised questions about what his approach will be to US nuclear policy, arms control, and related issues. This talk will discuss what the key nuclear is-sues will be in the next few years, including the planned rebuilding of US nuclear forces, the development of new weapon systems, and the expansion of the US missile defense system. It will also look at steps that could help reduce the risk of nuclear use, including taking land-based missiles off hair-trigger alert, and ending or restricting the first use of nuclear weapons. 

RSVP Requested:

The Nuclear Winter Series is coordinated by the Caltech Y Social Activism Speaker Series with generous support from the George Housner Fund.

For more information, please contact Greg Fletcher by phone at 626-395-6163 or by email at [email protected].