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Caltech Red Door Poetry Club Meeting

Friday, February 15, 2013
4:30pm to 6:30pm
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The Caltech Poetry Club meets every Friday from 4:30 to 6:30  PM at tables by the Red Door Cafe. (If you don't see us there, please check upstairs above the Red Door and Bookstore, especially if cold or dark or rainy.  Bring 15 copies of your own poem if possible, for sharing and discussion. Or just listen and enjoy the poetic conversation. New members welcome! Join in with the Red Door Poets: The most dynamic poetry center in the scientific world! We always read poems by other contemporary and historical poets. Topics have included Wallace Stevens, William Butler Yeats, the Korean Sijo tradition, Mel Weisburd, M. Kei Neil McCarthy, Pabo Neruda, William O'Daly, Denise Levertov. Looking forward to visit and workshop with poets Stephen Linsteadt and Raul Sanchez. . We also schedule writing sessions and readings at inspiring spots on our beautiful campus. We've shared poetry inspired by scientific lectures at Caltech. We performed 20o9 and 2010 for the Caltech Center for Diversity, "A World Tour of Women", and at Dabney Lounge for the "WilsonFest" mathematics conference. We always feature Caltech undergraduates, grad students and staff, as well as local poets.  Each year we create the Caltech Poetry Journal for live performance with music and dance, As science steps out on the edge of knowledge and discovery, so do the poets walk into the unknown with their words. Look for Kathabela's flowery hat to identify the group table.

For more information, please contact Kath Abela Wilson by phone at 805-886-9384 or by email at [email protected] or visit