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Caltech Library System Workshop: "SciFinder: Not Just For Chemists"

SciFinder (Chemical Abstracts Service) is a premier database for science and engineering. In addition to chemistry and chemical engineering, SciFinder coverage extends to the chemical aspects of biology, environmental engineering, geology, materials science, medicine, and physics. SciFinder runs on both MACs and PCs and will replace the SciFinder Scholar client software in June 2011.

SciFinder content and format coverage (journal articles, patents, theses, etc.) will be reviewed and search techniques for topics, chemical substances and reactions will be displayed. We will also briefly compare and contrast SFS with other important databases: Combined Chemical Dictionary, Reaxys (Beilstein/Gmelin), Web of Science, and PubMed.

An extensive description of the SciFinder (web) database is available:


For more information, please contact Dana Roth by phone at 6423 or by email at [email protected] or visit