Becoming Caltech, 1910–1930: Presentations from the Archives, Session 1 - Commencement Edition
- Public Event
In the 1910s and 1920s, a small institution called Throop Polytechnic Institute dramatically reinvented itself, transforming from a manual arts academy to an engineering school, then expanding into a research institute. A century ago, it became the California Institute of Technology. Join us on Zoom for a series of presentations by Caltech archivists on the science, engineering, architecture, and community life of early Caltech.
This commencement session, the first of our series, will include four brief presentations:
• "The Greater Throop": Planning and Building a New Campus
• The 1918 Flu Pandemic Comes to Throop
• The Rise of Seismology, from Harry Wood to the Richter/Gutenberg Scale
• Commencement and Caltech Alma Mater "Hail CIT"
To participate, please register here