Applied Physics Seminar
Annenberg 105
Exploring quantum computation schemes with two dimensional electron gas: stability of even-denominator fractional quantum Hall state and multi spin qubits.
Javad Shabani,
Harvard University,
Abstract: Advances in fabrication of high-quality two dimensional electron systems have led to observation of many fractional quantum Hall states. In these systems, electrons confined to GaAs wide quantum wells typically occupy two electric subbands at zero magnetic field. We investigated the stability of the fractional quantum Hall states at high Landau filling factors (nu > 2) in the vicinity of the crossing between Landau levels belonging to the different (symmetric and anti symmetric) subbands. Another approach to quantum computing is semiconductor spin qubits. We introduce a new quadruple design for multi-qubit scheme using ferromagnetic gates
For more information, please contact Christy Jenstad by phone at 8124 or by email at [email protected].
Event Series
Applied Physics Seminar Series
Event Sponsors