PASADENA, Calif.- How important is marketing to the success of a new business? Get the inside scoop from a venture capitalist and a marketing consultant in a free online live interview at 10 a.m. PDT, Aug. 28. Anyone with a computer and Internet connection can attend and submit questions.
The California Institute of Technology Industrial Relations Center's new online community, the Technology Marketing Center (TMC), will interview El Dorado Ventures general partner Charles Beeler and Silicon Valley marketing consultant Patty Burke.
"The Technology Marketing Center provides technology marketing executives with resources that support a high level of professionalism," said Chris Halliwell, an Industrial Relations Center course instructor and TMC director. "El Dorado Ventures will discuss the leadership that marketing must bring to a successful new enterprise, giving people an insider view of marketing's strategic value on the start-up business team."
Halliwell and Caltech launched the TMC online community on July 10. TMC content is provided by some of the more than 3,000 executive participants in the Industrial Relations Center's "Strategic Marketing of Technology Products" course. These executives share real-world experiences in developing product and market strategy. Case studies, blogs, and live executive interviews are accessible to anyone interested in leading cross-functional strategy development in high-tech companies.
Caltech is one of the most highly regarded institutions of research and education in science and engineering in the world. Its Industrial Relations Center ( provides educational programs to address the business needs of technology-based companies. The Technology Marketing Center is available on the web at (
Founded in 1986, El Dorado Ventures (EDV, is a leading early-stage venture-capital firm in Menlo Park that invests across the technology sector and focuses primarily on semiconductors and systems, communications, software, and services. El Dorado has a two-decade track record of successful, early-stage technology investing, in which several EDV portfolio companies have gone public or have been acquired by major technology companies such as Ciena, Cisco Systems, nVidia, Siemens, and Texas Instruments.
With extensive VP-level marketing experience with start-up companies, Burke Marketing ( is a technology partner with El Dorado Ventures and provides marketing and business strategies for high-growth technology companies in emerging markets. Burke Technology Marketing works with both business-to-consumer and business-to-business companies across a variety of industries.
For more information, call Caltech's Industrial Relations Center at (626) 395-3746.