Numerous Caltech graduate programs are among the best in their fields, according to the just-released rankings from U.S. News & World Report. Overall, the chemistry, earth sciences, and physics programs earned top spots, ranking number one in the Best Graduate Schools 2014 guidebook. Of note, the Division of Engineering and Applied Science continued to rise, and is ranked number four, up from fifth place last year.
Several other programs are ranked in the top 10 for their PhD programs, including biological sciences in fifth place and math in seventh. Computer science is listed in 11th place. Subdivisions also rank well—engineering has six subdivisions in the top 10, including a number one spot for aerospace, while chemistry has five ranking programs. The biological sciences hold top 10 rankings in two subdivisions, while the earth sciences do in three, including the highest grades in geochemistry and geophysics & seismology and sixth in geology. Physics is listed for six of its subdivisions, and applied math ranks fourth in its specialty. Caltech also made the list of the top 20 schools for economics, ranking 15th.
According to U.S. News, the rankings are based on two types of data: expert opinions about program excellence and statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school's faculty, research, and students. Approximately 1,200 programs were considered for this year's graduate school rankings.
The complete list of rankings is available on the U.S. News & World Report website.